
All about SARM LGD-3303

Peptidi e SARMS

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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LGD-3303, just like its predecessor LGD-4033, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM).

Both help the user put on lean muscle mass while increasing strength and endurance.

Both classic Ligandrol and the new LGD-3303 were synthesized by the same company, Ligand Pharmaceuticals.

We know that LGD-4033 is a very potent sarm that can dramatically increase mass and strength to users.

Its problem, if you want to call it that, is that its usefulness is specifically in pushed bulk (or dirty mass ) cycles because Ligandrol needs a significant carbohydrate intake in order to work best.

This means that the results in terms of mass and strength are astounding, but also that the mass gained will necessarily be somewhat “dirty,” and the user will inevitably experience an increase in Body Fat percentage and water retention in addition to the gains.

Although some may not care about this feature of the product, who would not want to have the same gains in strength and lean mass without the hassle of seeing themselves ,yes bigger, but also more tarnished?

Until recently this was a utopia, but today LGD-3303 seems to offer a solution.

All about SARM LGD-3303


LGD-3303 has the same benefits in terms of gains in lean mass and strength as its “brother” Ligandrol, but unlike the latter, it also performs its action without having to ingest tons of carbohydrates and gives its users, incredible muscle gains by not reporting an increase in fat mass and water retention.

This effect at the time seemed to be achievable only by a famous anabolic steroid (whose name starts with “tren” and ends with “bolone”) provided, however, that one has to deal with its very annoying side effects.

LGD-3303 is the unicorn of sarms, that mythological product that no one believed could exist!

LGD-3303 also appears to be more bioavailable than its predecessor.

It was initially designed and developed to prevent and treat muscle atrophy, and relieve osteoporosis symptoms by building up.

The benefits of LGD-3303 are not limited to muscle mass growth.

This SARM also brings as a gift to users a marked increase in endurance but, the treat is that it also possesses a powerful lipolytic effect.

Benefits of LGD-3303:

  • Incredibly increases strength
  • Brings huge gains in lean muscle mass
  • Improves stamina and endurance
  • Promotes fat loss
  • Improves libido

Side effects:

  • Not approved for human use (yet)
  • Has a fair amount of suppression of testosterone production (this means that during the cycle with LGD-3303 you need to combine an androgenic base such as testosterone or 4-Andro).
  • Can worsen the HDL/LDL ratio
  • Can lead to an increase in liver transaminases.

(The last two side effects are manageable with adequate supplementation)


LGD-3303 has a half-life of about 6 to 8 hours.

This means that in a hypothetical use the user will have to split the daily dose into 3 daily intakes.

Usually users do 8-week cycles at a dosage of 20mg per day divided into 3 intakes.

All about SARM LGD-3303

At the end of the cycle, a PCT with Enclomiphene is highly recommended in order to restart normal testosterone production.

LGD 3033 also facilitates nitrogen and water retention of muscles, helping them to achieve a fuller appearance.

Its highly specific mechanism of action allows LGD 3033’s effects to become visible after a few days of use, unlike other SARMs whose effects take weeks to materialize.

Anecdotal evidence also attributes this SARM with fuller-looking muscles and shorter time frames than other SARMs to provide results.

LGD-3303 increases libido

According to a study in rats, LGD-3303 successfully improved male-directed sexual preference among sexually experienced female rats, raising hopes that the supplement may also improve libido among human users.

Study researchers relied on the results to conclude that LGD 3033 could stimulate some aspects of female sexual behavior and could help women cope with sexual desire disorders.

The results were compiled after study subjects were given oral doses of LGD 3033 for seven days.

Another of the outstanding benefits of LGD-3033 is that it dramatically increases resistance to exertion.

Most users report feeling a sudden burst of energy, stamina, and strength within hours of taking the first dose of this sarms.

All about SARM LGD-3303


LGD 3303 contributes to muscle fullness because of its impact on nitrogen retention.

It helps the body to distribute nutrients and increase nitrogen retention in muscles, while also facilitating intramuscular water retention, which makes muscles fuller and bulkier.

The impact on muscle size is visible within a few days.

Most SARMs take six to eight weeks for noticeable changes.

Ultimately, we can say that LGD-3303 represents a clear evolution from classic SARMs, to date the molecule possesses effects that no other product in this category can give, making it the most sought-after SARM of the moment.



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Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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