
Is LGD-4033 the most powerful SARM?

Peptidi e SARMS

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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LGD-4033 is arguably the most potent SARM currently available.

It is currently being developed to improve recovery from hip fractures and combat sarcopenia in elderly or defecated patients, while its “unofficial” use is becoming very popular among bodybuilders because of its ability to build mass and increase strength.

LGD-4033 (also known as Ligandrol or Anabolicum) is, along with Ostarine, one of the most popular and widely used SARMs within the “fit community.”

Like all SARMs, LGD 4033 binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone with high affinity and selectivity.

Being a nonsteroidal compound LGD-4033 does not convert to estrogen.

LGD 4033 increases anabolic activity in muscle and bone by reducing muscle atrophy and bone breakdown.

In an initial clinical study, LGD-4033 increased, in the subjects involved, lean body mass and strength, reduced body fat, improved well-being, and increased recovery with dosage.

The subjects involved in the study were given a daily dosage of 1 mg. which is known to be well below the dosages taken by users of the molecule in bodybuilding.

Even at the aforementioned dosage (1 mg. daily), subjects experienced significant increases in strength, lean muscle mass, and bone density.

Is LGD-4033 the most powerful SARM?


To return to the early stages of research, both MK-2866 (Ostarin) and LGD-4033 were developed with the goal of reducing muscle loss in people with muscular dystrophy, the elderly, and cancer patients.

Realizing that these drugs can also increase bone strength and healing, scientists began to examine their potential to improve bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

LGD 4033 was initially created by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, hence the name “Ligandrol.”

Viking Therapeutics has since taken over the research license for the LGD-4033 molecule, renaming it VK5211.

This small pharmaceutical company is researching LGD-4033/VK5211 for hip fracture recovery.

The pharmaceutical company hopes that LGD 4033 will be able to bring patients all the benefits of testosterone treatment but with greater safety and tolerability.

The goal is to gain approval for its clinical use in the future.

According to their statements, the goals of LGD-4033 therapy in people with fractures are:

  • Increase lean body mass.
  • Increase muscle strength and bone density.
  • To improve physical performance and quality of life.

We have yet to see whether LGD 4033 will get FDA approval based on new clinical trials or not.

Is LGD-4033 the most powerful SARM?

Although research is still ongoing, LGD-4033 has become part of the products used in the bodybuilding community for some time now.

It was initially classified as a supplement and later reclassified as a research chemical, along with all other SARMs.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned all SARMs, including Ligandrol, placing it in the “Anabolic Agent S1” category of the prohibited list in 2008.

To date, some bodybuilding users claim that LGD-4033 is the most potent SARM on the market and that it is the only true alternative to anabolic steroids.

The effects of SARMs on the brain are still an area of research.

Testosterone is known to have a great impact on psychosexual and cognitive behavior.

SARMs are selective for bone and muscle, but they can also have effects on cognitive function and libido.

This helps explain why they are also being studied for improving libido and mood .

However, it is still unclear exactly how much SARMs affect the brain.

On the one hand, their effects on cognitive function might just be a consequence of increased muscle strength and endurance.

On the other, they could be dictated, by the fact that they may somehow activate brain androgen receptors.

In support of their benefits on the brain, Viking Therapeutics states that LGD-4033 has the potential to improve cognition, libido, and energy.

Many users report an increased sense of well-being and stamina when using LGD-4033.

Is LGD-4033 the most powerful SARM?

Benefits of LGD-4033:

LGD-4033 gives users a marked increase in strength and lean muscle mass more than any other sarms.

This characteristic makes it the molecule belonging to the category of sarms best suited for “BULK” phases.

The gains in muscle mass are impressive, so much so that it is not uncommon to have a 10-12 kg weight gain in the 8 weeks of use.

LGD-4033 literally feeds on carbohydrates, which means that during its use the diet will have to have a “high carb” setting.

During the cycle with LGD-4033, workouts will need to be as intense as possible to take full advantage of the benefits of the molecule, ideally using a multifrequency table that allows each muscle group to be trained at least twice a week with both strength and intensity exercises.

With LGD-4033, the user will literally have to use the “eat and push” philosophy if he or she is to fully appreciate the benefits of this powerful sarm.

Is LGD-4033 the most powerful SARM?

Effetti collaterali:

Non sono stati segnalati da parte degli users particolari effetti collaterali durante l’uso di LGD-4033.

Tuttavia in alcuni utilizzatori si sono visti peggiorare i parametri per quanto riguarda gli enzimi epatici (transaminasi del fegato) e il pannello lipidico (colestrolo).

Questo ci suggerisce che è bene abbinare al ciclo di LGD-4033 un integrazione adeguata volta a tenere sotto controllo questi valori.


Durante l’uso di LGD-4033 sarebbe opportuna abbinare sempre i seguenti integratori:

  • Omega 3 ad alto dosaggio
  • NAC (N-acetil cisteina)
  • Caigua
  • Coenzima Q-10


LGD-4033 è soppressivo dell’asse HTPA, ovvero diminuisce la produzione endogena di testosterone.

Al termine del ciclo èbene quindi fare una corretta PCT.

I dosaggi normalmente usati nella fit community variano da 10 a 20 milligrammi al giorno per 6-8 settimane.

LGD-4033 non è una molecola adatta ad un utilizzo da parte delle donne.

I prodotti che si possono “stackare” con LGD-4033 sono ad esempio cardarina ed MK-677.

Alcuni utilizzatori abbinano lGD-4033 con il Rad-140, ovviamente dimezzando i dosaggi di entrambi.


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Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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