
CARDARINE: everything you need to know!

Peptidi e SARMS

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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Cardarine, also known as GW-501516, is often labeled as a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) but in fact, it is a PPARδ (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta agonist) receptor agonist.

PPAR is an acronym that translated from English means:
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor selective modulator (PPARδ).

PPARδs play an essential role in the regulation of cell differentiation, development, and metabolism.
They basically modulate how DNA expresses its traits ( taller, shorter, fatter ,leaner, more muscular,slimmer, etc…).

They are a group of nuclear receptor proteins that function as transcription factors that regulate the expression of genes .

Cardarin was originally developed as a molecule to treat obesity, type 2 diabetes, and disabling diseases that do not allow movement.

In addition, one of its main purposes was to prevent tumor formation in organs such as prostate, colon, and breast tissue.

CARDARINA: tutto quello che c'è da sapere!

Because of its extremely positive impact on metabolism, on improving athletic endurance performance and in effectively burning fat, it quickly became popular among athletes and sportsmen.

Scientists were looking for a compound that would make it possible to increase physical endurance while accelerating the body’s fat-burning ability.

When they stumbled upon the PPARδ pathway, they found that by activating this pathway, they could instantly improve endurance, burn fat, and increase energy by reducing blood lipids.

Cardarine is one of the few compounds that have the ability to bind to the PPAR-delta pathway.


  • Increased HDL (“good” cholesterol) cholesterol.
    • HDL cholesterol helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the blood.
      An increase in HDL can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease because it transports cholesterol from the arteries to the liver, where it can be eliminated.
  • Decreased LDL (“bad” cholesterol) cholesterol.
    • LDL cholesterol can deposit on artery walls, forming plaques that narrow and harden arteries, leading to an increased risk of atherosclerosis.
      Reducing LDL levels is crucial to maintaining cardiovascular health.
  • Lowering insulin levels
    • Lower insulin levels may indicate a better efficiency of the body to use glucose, reducing the risk of developing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  • Increased ability to use fat as an energy source
    • This indicates improved lipid metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat more efficiently, which can be beneficial for weight loss and sustained energy.
  • Reduction in triglyceride levels
    • High triglycerides are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
      Reducing them can decrease the risk of developing heart disease and improve overall health.
  • Increased aerobic capacity and endurance
    • This refers to improving the body’s ability to perform prolonged physical activity by improving the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory and muscular systems.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
    • Improved insulin sensitivity means that the body’s cells respond better to insulin, making it easier to control blood glucose levels and prevent glycemic fluctuations.
  • Improved absorption of macronutrients.
    • This may indicate that the body is more efficient at absorbing and utilizing protein, fat, and carbohydrates, which can improve energy, muscle growth, and tissue repair.
  • Benefits for kidney and liver health
    • Maintaining kidney and liver health is essential for detoxification, metabolism, and hormone regulation.
      Improvements in these areas can have a positive impact on overall health.
  • Antioxidant effect
    • Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, which can cause cellular damage and contribute to the development of chronic diseases and aging.
      An antioxidant effect can therefore help protect against these conditions.

CARDARINA: tutto quello che c'è da sapere!

Cardarine has been shown to act quickly and with remarkable results.

Users on average experience an increase in resistance within only a few days of use.

At the time, scientists found that administering GW-501516 to a group of mice for four weeks made them:

  • Long-distance runners.
  • Leaner, with a lower percentage of fat mass, and resistant to weight gain despite what they ate.
  • Highly responsive to insulin.


GW-501516 is a molecule developed in the 1990s by multinational pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals (the same company that developed Ligandrol) for the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The development of GW-501516 has been the subject of many studies and tests but its development was abandoned in 2007 when following a study by GlaxoSmithKline that showed an increased likelihood of growth of a certain type the tumors in the rats studied.

What is less well known is that there were subsequent studies that had opposite results.

The development of the molecule was probably covered up by the pharmaceutical companies themselves, who did not want access to a drug that would probably take away from other, much more profitable drugs made sure that the research closed, using a study, which was probably manipulated by the same companies, as a reason.

In the study that led to the abandonment of the molecule, very high doses of the product were given to mice for a period of more than a year , many of the mice developed tumors, and this shut down all research: mice were used that already had a predisposition to develop carcinoma and were given doses were enormous and for a very long time.

Later other studies showed the opposite, namely that cardarin used in the correct doses and timing does not cause but rather prevents the development of prostate carcinoma.

CARDARINA: tutto quello che c'è da sapere!


As we mentioned earlier, Cardarine is a PPAR delta receptor agonist.

This means that it works by binding to and activating the PPAR-delta receptor in cells (mainly in muscles), and stimulating the genes responsible for energy use. As a result, it is able to increase energy levels, burn more fat, and improve endurance, while lowering blood lipid levels.


For athletes, the most important feature of Cardarine is fat loss.

Unlike most fat-burning compounds, it does not act thermogenically, but causes the following effects:

  1. Increased oxidative capacity in the muscles:
    This means that you will burn more calories during exercise than you normally would without Cardarin.
  2. Suppression of glucose metabolism and switching the energy source from glucose to fat:
    By switching the energy source from glucose to fat, the body will be able to burn fat directly instead of burning stored glucose first.

In fact, the effect is very similar to that of a very strict ketogenic diet, but without actually doing the diet.

CARDARINA: tutto quello che c'è da sapere!


As we mentioned earlier, Cardarina increases endurance and does so in two different ways:

  1. Suppression of glucose metabolism(switching the energy source from glucose to fat).
  2. Increasing oxidative capacity in muscles.

The combination of these methods of action leads to a significant increase in endurance. It should come as no surprise that many athletes use GW-501516 for this very benefit.

This particular benefit of Cardarine is most evident when it is used in resistance training, but it is also obtained during weightlifting. Cardarine is able to reduce recovery time between sets and increase the duration of training sessions.


This is actually one of the main reasons why GW-501516 was developed. Animal studies and tests have shown that Cardarina has a very positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

In the studies carried out, it reduced induced damage to the cardiovascular system in lab-rats, improved the health of their blood vessels, and reduced systemic inflammation..

In fact, some steroid users that are very impactful on the cardiovascular system, such as Trenbolone, often use Cardarin to reduce damage.

In a double-blind study 6 obese people received Cardarina: it helped treat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome in all subjects without causing side effects.

The participants took a maximum of 10 mg per day for only two weeks.

After such a short period of time, positive changes in hepatic steatosis, insulin sensitivity and lipid levels were already visible. Therefore, we can conclude that GW 501516 is an excellent molecule to combat insulin resistance caused by obesity and chronic inflammation.

In another study, conducted this time in obese mice, Cardarine reduced the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels.

It also reduced glucose overproduction by the liver.

This means that Cardarine may be useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


There are not many studies on the side effects of Cardarine, especially in humans.

At dosages and timing of intake usually employed by users, Cardarine has virtually never brought side effects.

Please note that the side effects of the famous carcinoma mouse study we wrote about above were not shown in any human studies.

That said, there have been 0 documented cases linking Cardarine to cancer in humans. Subsequent studies have indeed revealed that GW 501516 may have anticancer properties.

CARDARINA: tutto quello che c'è da sapere!


During clinical trials, doses administered of GW-501516 ranged from 2.5 mg to 10 mg daily.

Athletes usually take 10 to 20 mg daily for a period of 6 to 12 weeks.

The most common dose with Cardarine is 20 mg daily.

If you decide on a 20 mg dose, it is best to divide it into two doses-10 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening, since the half-life of GW-501516 is about 16 hours.


Cardarin has a half-life of 12 to 24 hours. Recent research confirms that the active half-life is 16 hours.

Therefore it is usually taken in 2 divided doses throughout the day for best results.


Cardarin is often used with other SARMS.

Since it does not go to affect the HTPA axis it will not cause any suppression of natural testosterone production.

It can therefore be easily “stacked” with any SARM



How to take Cardarine?

Because the half-life is relatively short, it is best to divide the daily dose in half.

One dose should be taken in the morning at least an hour before the first meal and the other in the afternoon away from meals.

If you decide to take cardarine once a day, it is best to do so on an empty stomach-this ensures the best absorption.

Does cardarine require a PCT?

GW-501516 does not target androgen receptors like SARMS.

This means it does not suppress testosterone production, and consequently there is no need for a PCT after a cycle of Cardarine.

Is Cardarine legal?

Cardarine (GW-501516) is legal in almost every country in the world except Australia. That is, as long as it is sold for research purposes. Because it is not approved for human consumption , it cannot legally be sold as a supplement but only as a molecule for research purposes.

In addition, it is considered doping by all professional sports associations.

Is Cardarine suppressive?

Cardarine does not affect hormone levels at all, which means it is not suppressive. It does not target androgen receptors like SARMS (and steroids) do.

Consequently, it has no effect on natural testosterone production.

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Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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