
Physical and cognitive improvement

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

Physical and cognitive enhancement peptides are designed to optimize performance of both body and mind.

Acting at the cellular level, these peptides support physical endurance, increase muscle recovery capacity, and improve cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and learning.

Because of their regenerative and neuroprotective properties, they help support a fit body and a clear mind, making them ideal for those seeking an overall improvement in physical and mental well-being. With their use, new levels of efficiency can be achieved, both during physical activity and in daily life.

SELANK Peptide  N-Acetyl Amidate Nasal Spray

(10ml x 10mg)


Anxiolytic effects
Improvement in memory and learning
Improvement of the immune system

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Peptidi per il miglioramento fisico e cognitivo

(10ml x 10mg)


Improved cognitive function
Neuroprotective effects
Treatment of ADHD

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CJC 1295 peptide secretogeno ormone della crescita (HGH)



Increases secretion of growth hormone and IGF-1.
Improves overall regeneration and cellular repair.
Increases protein synthesis and promotes growth of lean muscle mass.

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Goal: Physical and cognitive improvement

( 2mg)


Stimulation of GH Production.
Increase in Muscle Mass.
Reduction of Adipose Tissue.

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Promotes increase in lean muscle mass.
Supports the reduction of body fat.
Improves tissue recovery and regeneration.

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GW-0742 SARM; evoluzione molecola Gw501516 Cardarina

(20 mg/ml)


Improves aerobic performance.
Increases resistance to physical exertion.
Aids fat loss.

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LGD-4033, modulatore selettivo recettore degli androgeni



Incredibly increases strength.
Brings huge gains in lean muscle mass.
Improves stamina and endurance.

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RAD-140 probabilmente tra i SARM il più versatile



Important muscle gains.
Important gains in strength.
Increased athletic performance.

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S-23 SARM incrementare di più la massa muscolare



Significant increase in muscle mass.
Marked increase in strength.
Increased metabolism.

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ADAMAX peptide neuroprotection and cognitive support



Powerful Anti-Aging.
Protects cells from premature aging.
Marked antioxidant activity.

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Cardarina GW-501516 è un SARM antagonista PPAR-delta

(20 mg/ml)


Increased Endurance.
Supporting Fat Loss.
Cardiovascular Health.

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Enclomiphene SARM; release of LH and FSH, testosterone

(12.5 mg/ml)


Stimulation of Testosterone Production.
Restoration of Endocrine Function.
Reduction of Testicular Atrophy.

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SARM Ostarina MK-2866 30ml

(20 mg/ml)


Lean mass increase.
Ideal in cut or recomp regimen to maintain lean mass in caloric deficit.
Increased strength and athletic performance.

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PEG-MGF Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor peptide



Increased muscle growth:
Stimulates muscle hyperplasia and tissue regeneration.
Better post-workout recovery:
Promotes recovery by reducing muscle regeneration time.

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ACP-105 favorisce la crescita della massa muscolare magra



Improved Muscle Mass.
Increased Strength.
Potential for Fat Loss.

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(25 mg/ml)


It increases GH levels.
Increases levels of IGF-1.
Improves sleep quality.

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YK-11 SARM; aspetto roccioso, asciutto e duro dei muscoli



Good increase in muscle mass.
Increased strength.
Improved performance.

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LGD-4033 SARM; massa muscolare e rafforzamento ossa

(20 mg/ml)


Marked increase in lean mass
Increased strength
Improved bone density

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peptide per il benessere



Improves mood and reduces stress
Increases social bonding and trust
Supports mental health

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4-ANDRO o 4-DHEA; precursore del testosterone



Increase in lean muscle mass.
Increased strength.
Improved sexual desire.

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