In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation Alkemya B.V. based at 24 – 28 Olympisch Stadion, Amsterdam, 1076 DE, the Netherlands, (for short, also “the Company) is committed to protecting the privacy of every visitor (for short, also” User “) of the website https : // (for short, also “the Site”). In order to promote maximum transparency in this area, we invite you to read carefully, before starting to browse or, in any case, before accessing the services available there, in addition to the General Conditions (available at and to the Cookie Policy (available on the site this information (for brevity, also “Privacy Policy”) highlighting that, by accessing this Site and starting to browse, you declare that you have understood and accepted, in addition to the Information cookies and the General Conditions, also this Information, authorizing the Company to use your personal information in the terms described therein. The User is expressly invited who does not consent to the processing of their data and does not accept this Privacy Policy, as well as the Cookie Policy and the General Conditions, to refrain from accessing the Site, browsing it and / or accessing the services offered there.

1. Useful definitions.

Pursuant to Article 4 of the GDPR, to which specific reference is made for any more extensive information regarding privacy, it must be understood: by “personal data”, any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person and the person is considered identifiable physical that can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of its physical, physiological, genetic, psychic identity , economic, cultural or social; by “treatment”, any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction; for “data controller”, the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; for “data processor”, the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller; by “consent of the interested party”, any manifestation of free, specific, informed and unambiguous will of the interested party, with which the same expresses his / her consent, by means of an unequivocal positive declaration or action, that the personal data concerning him / her are subject to treatment; for “cookies”, text files sent from a web server to the browser of the User who logs into a website for the first time to record data and personalization settings relating to the service that the site offers.

2. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer.

The Data Controller is Alkemya B.V. based at 24 – 28 Olympisch Stadion, Amsterdam, 1076 DE, the Netherlands,

The person responsible for the processing of personal data is Alkemya B.V. based at 24 – 28 Olympisch Stadion, Amsterdam, 1076 DE, the Netherlands

The person responsible for the protection of personal data is Alkemya B.V. based at 24 – 28 Olympisch Stadion, Amsterdam, 1076 DE, the Netherlands

3. Methods of data collection.

The personal information collected is that collected during your interaction with the Site and / or with the services therein. In particular, information is collected when browsing and using the Site, when creating an account (when making a reservation) or changing the settings of an existing account, when placing an order (including for the delivery of an order. ) through the Site and / or by e-mail, when contacting the Site and / or the Company by e-mail, telephone, post, message or chat.

4. Type of data collected.
The Company undertakes to protect the privacy of Users and, in this context, to highlight the information that will be collected with maximum transparency. When, in addition to visiting the Site, the User wishes to place an order, he is asked to send an e-mail to the Company containing a series of information (including, for example, the name and surname, for delivery, the telephone number for any problems in relation to delivery, order details, any information that the User wishes to specify on the order, etc.). The Company collects information relating to the User or his use of the Site when the latter contacts the Company or sends a communication by e-mail and / or telephone. The Company will collect information relating to the User’s health only if spontaneously reported by the same (by way of example and not exhaustively, if the User, after having promptly informed the restaurant, had also indicated in the order placed through the Site an allergy / food intolerance). When the User browses the Site, the Company collects information of a technical nature in relation to the device (telephone, computer, tablet, etc.) from which it connects to the Site (such as, by way of example and not limited to, the operating system , the IP address through which you access the Site, the type of device, the type of connection, etc.)

5. Legal basis and purpose of data processing.

The Company aims to protect the User’s data and bases their treatment on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and, for this reason, such data will be processed, through the use of tools and procedures suitable to guarantee the maximum security and confidentiality, through archives and paper supports, with the aid of digital supports, IT and telematic means. The information that the Company collects will be transferred and stored on its servers, located within the EU.

The legal basis for the collection and use of the User’s personal information, as described above, will depend on the specific context in which it will be collected. If the User accessed the Site, for example, to place an order, the main reason why the Company would collect and process his personal information would be to insist on providing the service offered. However, the Company may use the User’s personal information also in further cases such as, for example, where this activity falls within its commercial interest (if it does not conflict with those of the User) or there is a legal obligation to do so (for example in the case of a legal proceeding). In case of questions and further information on the legal basis under which the Site collects and uses your personal information, please contact the Site using the details provided in Article 11) called “contacts”.

The Company undertakes to process the User’s data only in the presence of a reason allowed by the legislation concerning data protection. The processing of the User’s data is permitted where, following the User’s consent and in the face of a legitimate interest of the Company, such processing is necessary to provide the requested services, enter into / execute a contract, fulfill a legal obligation, fulfill to an accounting / fiscal / tax / administrative charge. To this end, for example, the User’s information could be used by the Company to allow his access to restricted areas of the Site, generate his account, provide the requested services, respond to messages or requests received through the Site or through and -mail, contact in case of need in relation to a requested service, contact in case of need third parties involved in the performance of a requested service. Always for the same purpose, the User’s information could be used to make it easier / faster the possibility of browsing or ordering on the Site, allow the Customer Service to manage any requests / complaints efficiently, the exercise of every right of the Company. and of the natural / legal persons with whom it interfaces. The Company will evaluate, from time to time, the extent and adequacy of the data provided in order to determine the resulting decisions and avoid the processing of data in excess of the purposes pursued. The Company undertakes not to use the User’s personal data for purposes other than and / or additional to those described in this statement, except with the User’s information and consent.

6. Cookies.

The Company points out that it is possible to change the settings relating to Cookies from the User’s browser, in order to reject them, in part or in full. In case of disabling / refusing cookies, please note that some sections of the site may not be accessible and / or not work properly. For more information, please refer to what is more specifically indicated in the Cookie Policy available at the link

7. Data storage and security.

The collected User data will be kept, starting from their receipt, for a reasonable period with respect to the aforementioned processing purposes and in compliance with the provisions in this regard by the current legislation and will not be kept for a period longer than that necessary to this end. Among the criteria taken into consideration to evaluate the necessary period of data retention are, by way of example, contractual obligations and rights relating to the information involved, legal obligations, the limitation period pursuant to the applicable law, (any) disputes, lines guide issued by competent data protection authorities. It is understood that, where the retention of the User’s data is not necessary, the Company will delete them in a secure manner. The Company adopts suitable technologies and policies to ensure that the User’s personal information is adequately protected, adopting measures to protect such information from unauthorized access, unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. It is understood that, if the User identifies a password to access certain sections of the Site, he or she will be responsible for keeping this password confidential, without sharing it with anyone.

It should be noted, however, that the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and that therefore, despite the Company and the Site taking measures to offer suitable protection, it is not possible to guarantee the security of the data transmitted and, by reason of this, any transmission is at the sole risk of the User. It should be noted that any changes to this Privacy Policy will be published on the Site and, for this reason, the User is invited to periodically analyze the Site to stay updated on the latest information relating to confidentiality and privacy practices.

7. Data disclosure.

The Company pays close attention and tries to be transparent about the subjects with whom the User’s information is shared. For the purposes indicated in the previous article 5) and, in general by virtue of this Notice, the Company may communicate the User’s data to third parties to fulfill obligations deriving from the law, for the performance of the services requested, to deal with ( any) disputes, etc. For all the purposes indicated in this Notice, the User’s data may also be communicated abroad, inside and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided for by current legislation, subject to verification that the Country in question guarantees an adequate level of protection. For the execution of the services offered on the Site and, in general, for the purposes referred to in this Notice, the Company, depending on the circumstances, may share the User’s personal information with the following subjects: orders (for example, in relation to a delivery); subjects in charge of delivering the order; third parties who carry out various activities for the promotion and support of the Company’s services (such as, for example, customer support agents, website hosting and assistance providers, marketing service providers, IT professionals, companies that send to User a message when the order is coming and / or is confirmed); third parties who may contact the User, in the event that he has given his consent, to inform him about goods or services that may be of interest to him; in the event that the Company should carry out an aggregation with another company or undergo corporate transformations, the User’s information could be disclosed / transferred to these companies, as well as to new business partners, new shareholders and / or consultants of these subjects (without prejudice to the fact that, in such cases, the Company will inform these subjects that they will have to process the personal information shared only for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice); public security / government / judicial bodies and, in any case, subjects to whom the Company deems it necessary to disclose the User’s personal data by virtue of laws / regulations, to exercise / protect the rights of the Company or to protect any vital interests of the User or third parties.

9. References to third party sites.

The Site may contain links to or from third party websites. By way of example, the Site may refer to the Company’s partner sites or, more generally, to websites that could offer useful information to Users (such as, by way of example, the websites of the restaurants where orders can be placed) . In this regard, it should be noted that the indication of these links is provided by the Company out of a mere spirit of courtesy and that such references do not in any way imply the endorsement by the Company of the websites listed. In case of access by the User to one or more websites, therefore, we invite you to consult and verify the privacy policies and, in general, all the documents present on these sites, it being understood that the Company is not responsible in any way and no title for these sites, their contents and the documents published therein (including the privacy policies, etc.).

10. User rights.

According to current legislation on the protection of personal data, the User may have a number of rights relating to their personal data held by the Company. The User who wishes to exercise one (or more) of these rights is invited to contact the Data Protection Officer of the Company indicated in the previous article 2) or the Customer Service using the contacts listed in the following article 11). In any case, the User is invited to consult what is highlighted below. The right to be informed is the right of the User to receive clear, transparent and easily understandable information on the ways in which his information is used and on his rights (this Privacy Policy is also prepared for this purpose) . The right of access gives the User the right to obtain access to his information (if processed) and this in order, by way of example, to ensure that the use of the data is carried out in compliance with the current legislation on data protection. The right to rectification allows the User to obtain the correction of one or more of his information if it is inaccurate / incomplete. The right to cancellation, also known as the “right to be forgotten”, allows – not absolutely, but in certain circumstances – the User to request the cancellation / removal of some data. The right to limit the processing allows the User to limit / block further use of their data and, in the event of the exercise of this right by the User, the Company can keep his information, but without using it further. The right to data portability is the right that allows the User – not in general, but with some exceptions – to obtain his personal information in an accessible and transferable format (to be able, for example, to re-share it for the User’s personal purposes ).
The right to lodge a complaint is the right that allows the User to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority, concerning the way in which the Company manages / processes his personal data. (In this case, the User who is not satisfied with the feedback provided by the Company or who deems that the processing of his data managed by the latter does not comply with current legislation, can file a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data at the address: Piazza di Monte Citorio n.121 – 00186 Rome.) The right to withdraw consent (in the event that the Company uses consent as a legal basis for the processing of certain information) which entails the right to withdraw consent given to the Company at any time, without prejudice to the fact that such revocation will not make it illegal to process the information used by the Company during the period in which the consent was in force. The right to object to processing, i.e. the right to object to certain types of processing, including processing for marketing and profiling purposes. (In this case, the User can change their settings by disabling cookies, as provided for in the cookie information available at Users wishing to exercise one or more of these rights are invited to contact the Customer Service identified in the following article.

11. Contacts.

If you have any questions / clarifications / complaints relating to this Privacy Policy or, more generally, on the management of your data, please write to Customer Service at the following e-mail address or send a communication at the registered office of the Company located at the address: Alkemya BV based at 24 – 28 Olympisch Stadion, Amsterdam, 1076 DE, the Netherlands.


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