
Enclomiphene (12.5 mg/ml)

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDI are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only.
ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.



  • Testosterone Production Stimulation:
    Enclomiphene can increase endogenous testosterone production by stimulating the pituitary to release gonadotropins.
  • Restoration of Endocrine Function:
    After a cycle of SARMs or other suppressive agents, can help “restart” natural testosterone production, speeding up the return to normal endocrine function.
  • Reduction of Testicular Atrophy:
    Prevent or reduce testicular atrophy associated with suppressed testosterone production.
  • Improved Libido:
    Due to its ability to increase testosterone levels, Enclomiphene can help improve male libido.
  • Fertility Benefits:
    Traditionally used to treat infertility in women, Enclomiphene might also have potential benefits for male fertility by increasing sperm production.
  • Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation:
    As a SERM, Enclomiphene acts selectively on estrogen receptors, offering potential benefits without the side effects associated with estrogens.
  • Potential Reduction of Estrogenic Side Effects:
    Enclomiphene can help balance estrogen effects, potentially reducing side effects like water retention or gynecomastia.



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Enclomiphene SARM is one of two isomers, (zuclomifene and enclomifene) that make up Clomiphene citrate.

Inhibits the negative feedback of E2 at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

This subsequently results in the stimulation of the release of LH and FSH and downstream increase in testosterone production.

Unlike enclomifene, zuclomifene is antigonadotropic due to ER activation and reduces testosterone levels in men.

As such, pure isomeric enclomifene is more favorable than clomifene as a progonadotropic for the treatment of male hypogonadism.


Properties of ENLCLOMIPHENE:


  • Testosterone Production Stimulation:
    Can increase endogenous testosterone production by stimulating the pituitary to release gonadotropins.
  • Restoration of Endocrine Function:
    After a cycle of SARMs or other suppressive agents, can help “restart” natural testosterone production, speeding up the return to normal endocrine function.
  • Reduction of Testicular Atrophy:
    Can prevent or reduce testicular atrophy associated with suppressed testosterone production.
  • Improved Libido:
    Due to its ability to increase testosterone levels, Enclomiphene can help improve male libido.
  • Fertility Benefits:
    Traditionally used to treat infertility in women, Enclomiphene might also have potential benefits for male fertility by increasing sperm production.
  • Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulation:
    As a SERM, Enclomiphene acts selectively on estrogen receptors, offering potential benefits without the side effects associated with estrogens.
  • Potential Reduction of Estrogenic Side Effects:
    Can help balance estrogen effects, potentially reducing side effects like water retention or gynecomastia.

ENCLOMIPHENE can be used as support during a SARMs cycle or as PCT once the cycle is finished


  • During a SARMs cycle:
    SARMs, when introduced into the body, can suppress endogenous testosterone production. This is because the body detects high androgen activity and, as a feedback mechanism, reduces or stops natural production. Enclomiphene, acting as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), can stimulate the pituitary to release more gonadotropins. These gonadotropins, particularly LH (luteinizing hormone), stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone. Therefore, using Enclomiphene during a SARMs cycle can help maintain more stable endogenous testosterone production, reducing suppression induced by SARMs.

  • Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):
    After completing a SARMs cycle, it’s essential for athletes and bodybuilders to restore natural testosterone production. Prolonged and reduced testosterone production can lead to side effects like testicular atrophy, low libido, and mood changes. In this phase, Enclomiphene is used to “restart” natural testosterone production. By stimulating the pituitary to release gonadotropins, Enclomiphene can accelerate the return to normal endocrine function, helping the body recover faster from SARMs-induced suppression.


Commonly reported dosages:


  • Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):
    Initial dosage: 12.5-25 mg per day, Duration: 4-6 weeks. Some athletes might start with a higher dosage for the first 1-2 weeks (e.g., 50 mg) and then reduce to the maintenance dosage (e.g., 25 mg) for the remainder of the PCT period.
  • Maintaining Testosterone Levels during a SARMs Cycle:
    Dosage: 12.5-25 mg per day or every other day. This dosage may vary depending on the potency and duration of the SARMs cycle.
  • Therapeutic Use (e.g., male hypogonadism):
    The dosage can vary based on the patient’s specific needs and doctor recommendations. In some clinical studies, dosages between 12.5 mg and 50 mg have been used to treat male hypogonadism.
Enclomiphene SARM; release of LH and FSH, testosterone
Enclomiphene SARM; release of LH and FSH, testosterone


Disclaimer: This PRODUCT IS INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL ONLY. This designation allows the use of research chemicals strictly for in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation only. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and may not be misbranded, misused or mislabled as a drug, food or cosmetic.
ALKEMYA BV accepts no liability in case of misuse of this product.

Enclomiphene SARM; release of LH and FSH, testosterone

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only.
ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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