
EPITHALON N-Acetyl-Amidate 10 Vials x 10mg BOX

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only.
ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

Clarification: bacteriostatic water to recompose the peptide is not included in the package > View product

Ket Benefits of EPITHALON:

  • Telomerase Activity: Stimulates telomerase activity, potentially protecting cells from premature aging.
  • Life Extension: By extending telomeres, it may contribute to prolonging cell life, delaying aging.
  • Cancer Prevention: Shows potential in inhibiting tumorigenesis, making it a candidate for cancer prevention.
  • Sleep Regulation: Can boost melatonin levels, essential for circadian rhythm, thus improving sleep quality and brain health.
  • DNA Repair: Might protect against and repair DNA damage due to its potent antioxidant activity.
  • Age-Related Disease Prevention: By reducing telomere shortening, it might delay the onset of age-related diseases.
  • Brain Health: Increased melatonin levels might shield the brain from oxidative stress, a contributor to neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Antioxidant Effects: Demonstrates significant antioxidant effects, potentially protecting cells from free radical damage.
  • Immune Function Regulation: Due to its immunomodulatory properties, it might strengthen the immune system.



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EPITHALON N-Acetyl-Amidate 10 Vials x 10mg BOX

Epithalon, a synthetic tetrapeptide

Consists of four amino acids: alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and glycine.

Its roots trace back to epithalamin, a natural polypeptide extracted from the pineal gland. The peptide was pioneered in the 1980s by a research team led by Professor Vladimir Khavinson in Russia.

Since its inception, Epithalon has been the subject of numerous studies, both in vitro and in vivo, for its bioregulatory, anti-aging, and immunomodulatory properties.


Interaction with Telomerase and Telomeres:


Epithalon peptide has shown to influence the activity of telomerase, a crucial enzyme for cellular health and longevity. Telomerase’s role is to add DNA sequences, known as telomeres, to the ends of chromosomes.

These telomeres act as protective “caps” for chromosomes, shielding them from damage and preventing them from fusing with neighboring chromosomes.

Over time, as cells divide, telomeres shorten. When they become too short, the cell can no longer divide and becomes inactive or dies.

This telomere shortening is linked to aging and many age-related diseases.

By enhancing telomerase activity, Epithalon helps maintain or even extend telomeres.

This “extension” of telomeres could potentially delay cellular aging and prolong their functionality.

Due to these effects, Epithalon has garnered significant interest in the scientific community, especially for its potential applications in anti-aging, life extension, and cancer prevention.


The Advanced Version N-Acetyl Amidate:


The N-Acetyl Amidate version is described as an advanced and improved form of Epithalon.

This variant has outperformed classic Epithalon in terms of efficacy, duration of action, and absorption. Moreover, it can more easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier, amplifying its effects.



Benefits of EPITHALON:


  • Telomerase Activity: Stimulates telomerase activity, potentially protecting cells from premature aging.
  • Life Extension: By extending telomeres, it may contribute to prolonging cell life, delaying aging.
  • Cancer Prevention: Shows potential in inhibiting tumorigenesis, making it a candidate for cancer prevention.
  • Sleep Regulation: Can boost melatonin levels, essential for circadian rhythm, thus improving sleep quality and brain health.
  • DNA Repair: Might protect against and repair DNA damage due to its potent antioxidant activity.
  • Age-Related Disease Prevention: By reducing telomere shortening, it might delay the onset of age-related diseases.
  • Brain Health: Increased melatonin levels might shield the brain from oxidative stress, a contributor to neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Antioxidant Effects: Demonstrates significant antioxidant effects, potentially protecting cells from free radical damage.
  • Immune Function Regulation: Due to its immunomodulatory properties, it might strengthen the immune system.


For effective results, the recommended dosage of EPITHALON is 10mg daily (subcutaneously) for a 10-day cycle, to be repeated twice a year.


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Disclaimer: This PRODUCT IS INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL ONLY. This designation allows the use of research chemicals strictly for in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation only. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and may not be misbranded, misused or mislabled as a drug, food or cosmetic.
ALKEMYA BV accepts no liability in case of misuse of this product.





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Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only.
ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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