
S-23: The Sarms King

Peptidi e SARMS

Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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S-23 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed by the pharmaceutical company GTX Inc.

S-23 binds to the androgen receptor more effectively than older molecules, such as andarin, and in animal studies, has shown an excellent relationship between anabolic and androgenic effects.

S-23 can bring a dose-dependent suppression of spermatogenesis, with spontaneous recovery after cessation of treatment (recall that the molecule was initially studied as a male contraceptive).

S-23 was created by altering the chemical structure of a compound called C-6; in fact, we can say that it is actually an improved version of C-6, which shows higher bioavailability and greater affinity for binding to the he androgen receptor.

S23 has a very high bioavailability, (studies show up to 96%) and has one of the highest A/R receptor binding affinities of all the SARMs in circulation, comparable perhaps only to LGD-4033.

Of course, this makes S23 suppressive for the htpa axis (pct is a must).

S-23: The Sarms King


S23, like other SARMs, works in essentially the same way as anabolic steroids, with the exception that SARMs are selective.

This means that, unlike steroids, S-23 will target only androgen receptors in muscle tissue and will not cause androgenic side effects on other organs.

Although SARMS are on average “weaker” than anabolic steroids this compound is actually very potent and in some ways its anabolic effects can be compared to those of some anabolic steroids.

S23, Ligandrol and YK11 are the most potent SARMs on the market so far.

The benefits of S23 are:

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Increased strength
  • Enhanced endurance
  • Reduced recovery time
  • Lipolytic effect.

S-23: The Sarms King

Increased muscle mass

S-23 is a very potent compound that will give the user marked muscle gains.

The effectiveness with which S23 promotes muscle growth is even comparable to that of powerful steroids. This is why in bodybuilding some people call S23 a strange hybrid of SARM and steroids.

Needless to say, it is not a compound intended for beginners, but only for advanced users.

Enhanced endurance and reduced recovery time

S23 to some extent is also able to give a significant increase in endurance.

Users who have tried it report the ability to train harder and for longer periods of time, even halving the recovery time between sets.

Another thing S23 will do is reduce the recovery time between of the subject after an intense workout.

This will allow you the user to train more frequently.

Lipolytic effect

The popularity of S23 also comes from users who claim that this sarms is able to build lean muscle mass and burn fat simultaneously.

Currently, there are no human studies that can confirm these claims.

However, in a study on rats, S23 reduced average body weight and fat mass.

To promote mating, rats were also given an estrogen (estradiol benzoate), which causes muscle loss.

S23 was able to nullify the catabolic effects of estrogen and resulted in the rats gaining lean muscle mass.

S23 was shown to have a dose-dependent “fat burning” effect.

In another rat study, S23 prevented glucocorticoid-induced muscle loss.

Glucocorticoids are commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs (cortisone and derivatives), but their long-term use can cause severe muscle loss.

S23 could preserve the size of fast twitch (power) and slow twitch (endurance) muscles caused by long-term glucocorticoid use.

S-23: The Sarms King

Possible side effects

Testosterone suppression:

S23 suppresses the production of natural levels of testosterone.

In fact, all SARMs suppress your testosterone production but S23, in particular, tends to be more suppressive than others.

It is therefore a must to put on an androgynous base during the cycle such as 4-ANDRO and perform a pct with enclomiphene at the end.

Increased aggression:

During the cycle with S-23 you may experience a marked increase in aggression, comparable to that felt if you use RAD 140.

This effect can be used to your advantage during workouts, as you will feel the urge to literally “fly” the weights.

Night sweats

It is important to note that S23 can lead to increased sweating during the night.

It is important to drink plenty while using S-23 in order to stay hydrated at all times. In case of dehydration, side effects such as cramps, headaches and fatigue may occur.

It is thought that the reason for increased night sweating with S-23 is related to the fact that the molecule may increase our body’s metabolic rate.

Dosage and cycle duration

It is advisable to start with a dosage of 10 mg per day and, depending on the results, to go up to 20mg per day.

It should be remembered that S23 has a half-life of 12 hours, which means that it is necessary to divide the daily dose into 2 intakes about 12 hours apart.

The standard cycle duration with S-23 is 8 weeks.


S-23: The Sarms King

You can expect to gain 3 to 6 kg of lean muscle mass during one cycle of S-23.

Strength gains will be evident after the fourth week.

Finally, if training and diet are set up well you can lose up to 5 percentage points of body fat at the end of the cycle with S-23.

S23 is actually quite comparable to most steroids in terms of strength, and if you follow a proper PCT you will not experience any particular side effects while using this srms.

The steroid that is most commonly compared to S23 is Winstrol, as both have similar effects in the body.

It is amusing to note that on a mg to mg basis, Winstrol is actually weaker than S23.

This makes S23 a viable alternative to steroids and should be treated as such.

Finally remember that S-23 like all sarms can give side effects such as worsening lipid profile and increased transaminases.

Appropriate supplementation is recommended to remedy this problem.

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Disclaimer: The following information is for informational purposes only, SARMS and PEPTIDES are not approved for human use, but for research purposes only. ALKEMYA BV disclaims any liability in case of misuse of this product.

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